Are You Reaching Your Full Potential?

Elevate what's possible through executive coaching and leadership development.

Kelby L. Kupersmid, MS, PCC

I help Social Impact Founders
become World Class CEO's.

You're already a top performer -- but no one makes it to the Olympics without a coach. I'll help accelerate your growth path to get you to the next level, faster.Through our partnership, you’ll enhance your ability to lead people and projects effectively in complex situations.We'll illuminate your leadership blindspots and create breakthrough insights that increase your capacity to achieve even greater results.And we'll upgrade your company's Operating System, improving your team's leadership and communication skills to improve business outcomes.Together, we'll create your next level of success, fulfillment, and impact -- so you can achieve your mission, without burning out.

Trusted by companies big and small, locally and globally.

Click through to learn more about our programs

Trusted by the world's most elite executive coaching agencies

Professional Certified Coach
International Coaching Federation

Certified in psychometric assessments
to help you identify development areas

Trusted by leaders like you

What's right for you?

Executive Coaching

A custom 1:1 program to go from founder to world class CEO.

Group Facilitation

Workshops, retreats, and training programs with a lasting impact.

CEO Mastermind

Collective wisdom from your personal board of advisors.

The Kinetic Leader

A 6-month program to build advanced leadership skills.

Kinetic Coaching is bespoke leadership development.

A proven process to create sustainable high performance.

  • Strengthen your executive presence and build your leadership brand.

  • Skillfully navigate difficult conversations, minimizing distress to you and others.

  • Achieve challenging or long-postponed goals you’ve set for yourself.

You’re already a top performer -- as your coach, I’ll both support and challenge you to stretch an additional 10% so you can continue and accelerate your growth path.Coaching is a partnership -- I’m not here to tell you how to do your job. I’m here to be a co-pilot on your journey and help you get to your destination as smoothly and quickly as possible.As your strategic thought partner, I'll help you look at your biggest obstacles from a different point of view, creating new awareness and insight. This serves as the foundation for more effective action -- creating powerful new results.You'll sharpen your skill set through research-based best practices in communication and leadership skills. And I'll share specific tools and frameworks so you can more effectively handle your daily challenges.Ultimately, you’ll transform your inner obstacles into your greatest opportunities. And you’ll enhance your ability to lead people and projects effectively in complex situations.

What could you accomplish with a coach?

Trusted by leaders like you

Custom design. Masterful delivery. Powerful results.

For You

CEO Mastermind: an intimate group of high-level peers leveraging the power of collective wisdom. Your own personal board of directors.

The Kinetic Leader: A 6-month program to build advanced leadership skills.

Your Team

Workshops: develop best practices in leadership skills that are immediately applicable and highly impactful. Interactive and engaging sessions.Co-Founder / Team coaching: analyzing team dynamics, providing communication tools, and facilitating productive conflict conversations to leverage team effectiveness.Leadership team / Board retreats: strategic planning exercises and high-impact facilitation to make the most of your time together.

Your Company

Leader development programs: combining training, facilitation, and coaching to maximize employee learning and impact. Based on instructional design principles for a powerful program that actually works.Culture development: Create a culture by design, not by default. A holistic program to create your company's Operating System that will achieve your strategic objectives with ease.

Trusted by companies big and small, locally and globally.

The Kinetic Development Difference

Most programs focus on building skills, which is necessary but insufficient. Without support and accountability, most trainings fizzle out and are nothing more than short term entertainment. Kinetic Development takes a holistic and long-term approach to create lasting change.Without addressing the underlying beliefs that cause behaviors, old patterns will creep back in. We will focus on the mindset that gives rise to more effective, empowered action. Through identifying and eliminating blindspots, challenging limiting beliefs, and uncovering hidden assumptions, we create sustainable high-performance.This “inside-out” approach to development is most effective because it begins at the source. In addition to mindset, we will solidify questions of identity and ontology–who you are being as a leader–to achieve your desired goals. This shift in worldview provides a new foundation for you to stand, speak, look, and listen from, for truly transformational results.

Take your skills to the next level.

CEO Mastermind: Your Personal Board of Advisors

Most founders struggle with loneliness and burnout:-They can’t share their true challenges with investors.-They don’t want their co-founder to think they don’t know what they’re doing.-And their friends just don't understand "champagne problems."Building a company is stressful enough. You don’t have to do it alone.Burnout is the #1 existential threat to startups. Building in community is the cure.

Welcome to the Impactful Leader Mastermind

Your new CEO peer group functions as a personal board of advisors to help mitigate the stress of building a company.-Shorten the learning curve by learning from other founders’ mistakes-Get honest feedback from a group of peers to arrive at better decisions, without the frustration of figuring it out yourself.-Crowdsource solutions to your biggest challenges

How does it work?

The Impactful Leader Mastermind is a custom peer group of 6-8 CEO's with similar experience who meet online once a month to share insights, solve problems, and support each other to reach professional and personal goals.Sessions are 2 hours once a month, and the minimum commitment is six months. Each session is custom-designed based on your unique challenges that you bring to the group. The Mastermind is ongoing and you will have the opportunity to continue beyond the initial six months.The group is bound by strict confidentiality. We meet as humans first and founders second, focusing on both personal and professional topics. Through building meaningful connection we create an environment to focus on our most important challenges, and get the most value out of our sessions.Given the varying financial positions of early-stage founders, membership for the Mastermind is offered on a need-based sliding scale–no questions asked. $1,000/month or as low as $250/month—paid up front for the 6 month minimum commitment. If you're able to pay the full fee, you get the added benefit of a private coaching session each month to do a deep dive on your business and leadership growth opportunities.As a bonus for signing up, all members of the Mastermind receive complimentary access to the 6 month Kinetic Leader training program. This is an advanced workshop series to develop superb communication and emotional skills to achieve greater results when working with people.

Your Facilitator

The Mastermind is facilitated by expert coach and founder, Kelby L. Kupersmid. Kelby has over a decade of experience coaching and facilitating, and has worked with leaders from the boardrooms of the Fortune 100 to the field offices of the United Nations around the world. He's co-founded 4 companies and has worked with over 100 founders and their leadership teams. Read more directly from clients below.


  • "Kelby is one of the most thoughtful, insightful individuals I have had the pleasure of speaking with. Every time we meet, Kelby works wonders! Idk how he does it, but he always helps me see my issues from a helpful lens and gives me effective strategies to tackle the challenges I present to him. If you've met with Kelby before, you know exactly what I'm talking about. If you haven't met with him yet, you need to! You won't regret it."

  • "This group rocks! Really appreciate the structure but also fluidity with how the meeting is run."

  • "Kelby does a good job of managing topics and making sure that everyone gets a chance to work through their issues."

  • "Kelby's coaching helped change my perspective as a leader. I was able to prioritize my health and well-being - which has made me a better leader and a better employee. I would recommend working with Kelby to anyone but especially founders and leaders of small, medium, and large organizations."

  • "We are all very comfortable with each other at this point so we were able to exchange candid feedback on things and surface stuff I don't think people would normally share."

  • "We really hit our stride today as a group. The first call was awesome, but it was far more personal and emotional. Today was business. Straight shooting business. Everyone was riffing and giving honest feedback on each others different “Most Important Things”. There is a ton of synergy in our group and a lot of overlapping businesses / approaches to business so feedback was pointed and actionable. I can't speak for everyone but this is truly why I joined (this group) - to better myself by chatting with other founders."

  • "I must say it was a transformative experience. He has a deep understanding of the unique pressures that founders face and provided practical strategies to navigate them. I highly recommend him to anyone seeking a compassionate and effective coach."

  • "It was genuinely one of my favorite conversations as an entrepreneur and your advice was very helpful."

  • "I’m writing this to you simply to say how powerful this group was for me, how grateful I am for the connections in the group and especially for you as the coach. I feel you were masterful, loving, respectful, knowledgeable and supportive all the way. I felt I was given a gentle but persistent reminder and reinforcement of all I am, all I can embrace and all I can experience. That is a wonderful and exciting feeling. More to come but I do treasure you for being part of my life now!"

  • "Everyone was super real, really inspiring, and I felt a lot of camaraderie."

  • "I can't recommend Kelby enough for his genuine commitment to helping me and the group at large. I'm grateful for the time we all had to authentically share and connect through the sessions led by Kelby."

  • "We went DEEP on everyone's “Most Important Things” and people were definitely opening up about insecurities with certain aspects of their business which everyone had good input for."

  • "My team had some immediately actionable feedback for me today from their own experiences, which was super helpful."

  • "Under Kelby's strong and quiet facilitation, we have had a powerful, consistent container for our master mind members to dive into so many juicy issues we are dealing with, hear ourselves think, source our collective wisdom, learn from each others' challenges, feel supported and pick our energy up again if it is low."

  • "Thoughtful, interesting, generous people having open, honest, and useful conversations."

  • "I've never been a part of anything like that and I thought it was really fantastic. People were open and honest about their lives in business and outside of it. My group is full of other agency owners which is fantastic because I want to pick peoples brains that are running similar businesses to mine."

  • "It was great jamming on the different problems people have, so similar to mine, the thinking around them is super helpful to hear!"

  • "Kelby is passionate for coaching and mentoring leaders to a healthy mindset. He is on the cutting edge of frameworks and methodologies that give us new windows into ourselves, our behaviors and our aspirations. Kelby naturally blends expertise with an ability to foster positive conversation and collaboration, all sparking personal growth. With a unique combination of forward-thinking strategies, nurturing communicative atmosphere, and engaging insights, Kelby truly stands out as a mentor and coach in the field of leadership and personal development."

  • "The group members & facilitator are fantastic. Honestly wouldn’t have guessed that the group would mesh as well as we have in our first meeting. Great job team!"

  • "The group as a whole is so knowledgeable. I always learn a lot and am amazed at the problems that we solve together."

  • "I have been working in a group coaching program with Kelby for the last several months and have appreciated Kelby's gentle, yet productive method of navigating us through the challenges and excitement of entrepreneurship. Kelby is so supportive, and is an incredibly talented group facilitator. I look forward to working with Kelby into the future as my entrepreneurship journey grows and evolves. So thankful for the role he plays!"

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Why a Mastermind?
A: A peer-coaching group provides you with a tight-knit community of people to both support and challenge you on your unique challenges and goals. Your fellow members will bring the objectivity needed to provide you with an honest perspective and unbiased feedback that you won’t get anywhere else. These groups often continue for many years and can become your trusted support network, almost like a personal board of directors.
Q: Who is this group a good fit for?
A: CEO's who are committed to their learning and development, willing to be vulnerable in a group setting, and open to supporting and challenging their peers--and receiving the same. You will be placed in a group with leaders of similar experience.
Q: What does a typical session look like?
A: 1) Check in: Review the group agreements, share your highlights and lowlights since our last meeting, and any actions you did or didn’t take that you want to be held accountable for.
2) Hot seat: You will share a specific goal or challenge with the group and ask for what you want--advice, coaching, similar experiences, feedback, etc. from other group members. The group will ask clarifying questions to peel back the layers and get at the heart of the issue, and you will take turns receiving support from the group.3) Debrief: Everyone reflects on what they’ve learned, what they’re taking away from the session, and any commitments they want to take action on and be held accountable for next session.

It’s only then that we can reach our full potential, and make it Kinetic.

The Kinetic Leader

Advanced leadership skills for the lifelong learner

Leaders today are faced with unprecedented uncertainty. Old school command and control tactics just don't cut it in the modern workplace. If you want to succeed in today's market, you not only need to be resilient and agile--you also need strategic thinking skills and emotional mastery.The Kinetic Leader is a 6 month learning journey for exceptional leaders to take their skills to the next level. In a world where information is free, you need a highly-curated program with world-class content. Look no further.Inside the Kinetic Leader, you'll receive research-based tools and best practices for navigating your toughest challenges. You'll have intimate conversations to uncover your personal obstacles to success. You'll receive real-time coaching and feedback to fine tune your practice. And you'll have a cohort of peers to support you in accountability and implementation.This program takes an inside-out approach, focusing first on the underlying beliefs and then on specific skills. We will start with the foundational elements of self-leadership and emotional intelligence, and then build on that to improve how you communicate with and lead teams of people.Self-Leadership:
1. Energy & Time Management
2. Your Zone of Genius
Emotional Intelligence:
3. Authentic Relating
4. Active Listening
5. Productive Conflict & Difficult Conversations
Team Leadership:
6. Coaching Skills

Are you ready to reach your full potential--and make it Kinetic?

What's in the program?

1. Energy & Time Management

More important than optimizing your calendar is prioritizing your energy--so that whatever you're doing, you can be at your best while doing it.-You'll walk away with a revamped calendar and a revitalized approach to get the most out of your days.

2. Your Zone of Genius

How much time are you wasting in your zone of excellence? This is an advanced leadership course, we don't settle for excellence here.-You'll walk away with a crystal clear understanding of your highest and best use, and an action plan to leverage yourself.

3. Authentic Relating

At the end of the day, business is a human skill--of connection, inspiration, and motivating others to achieve results. Too bad they don't teach this is business school.-You'll walk away with a simple but not easy approach to develop stronger relationships to achieve greater business results.

4. Active Listening

How can listening actually transform the speaker's understanding as well as your own? We go way beyond the basics and focus on the nuance of listening for better teamwork and performance.-You'll walk away with simple and easy to remember tips to immediately upgrade your conversations.

5. Productive Conflict & Difficult Conversations

You're likely either conflict-averse, or inadvertently steamrolling people. How can you transform difficult conversations to leverage the creative power of conflict?-You'll walk away with a radically new perspective on how to skillfully navigate otherwise conversations.

6. Coaching Skills

Most of us love giving advice--and yet we hate getting told what to do. Coaching (not mentoring or advising) is your new superpower to get the most out of your people.-You'll walk away with a simple framework for developing your team to maximize their potential.

The Kinetic Development Difference

Most programs focus on building skills, which is necessary but insufficient. Without support and accountability, most trainings fizzle out and are nothing more than short term entertainment. Kinetic Development takes a holistic and long-term approach to create lasting change.Without addressing the underlying beliefs that cause behaviors, old patterns will creep back in. We will focus on the mindset that gives rise to more effective, empowered action. Through identifying and eliminating blindspots, challenging limiting beliefs, and uncovering hidden assumptions, we create sustainable high-performance.This “inside-out” approach to development is most effective because it begins at the source. In addition to mindset, we will solidify questions of identity and ontology–who you are being as a leader–to achieve your desired goals. This shift in worldview provides a new foundation for you to stand, speak, look, and listen from, for truly transformational results.


Are you ready to take your skills to the next level?

Why Kinetic Development?

Have you ever felt like you’ve hit a plateau? You’ve had plenty of success in your career, but still feel like you’re capable of more.We humans have a tendency to get stuck in old thinking patterns that may have served us in the past, but ultimately won’t get us where we want to go. That’s why continuous learning and growth is necessary for us to make progress.But we can’t do it alone.We need an objective observer that can help us see ourselves more clearly, so we can notice the box we’re stuck in and shift our perspective to break through it.Because on some level, we don’t see things as they are -- we see things as we are. And just like fish who can’t see the water they’re swimming in, we can’t see the mental models we’re immersed in.

Our mental models are like different lenses that we see the world through–but without a coach, it’s almost impossible to take them off and look at them, let alone notice we’re wearing them.These perspectives combine to form a worldview that is inherently limiting. It restricts what we think is possible, and so we subconsciously hold ourselves back. As leaders, this has a devastating effect on what we’re able to accomplish, and it affects our team too.

That’s where Kinetic Development comes in.

  • Through world-class leadership coaching, I’ll help you get out of your own way, elevating what’s possible for you, your team, and your organization.

  • Together, we’ll expand your thinking — challenging limiting beliefs and illuminating blindspots to create clarity through breakthrough insights.

  • I’ll partner with you to build the skills necessary to take your leadership to the next level.

  • And I’ll help you translate insight into action, so you can make an extraordinary impact.

It’s only then that we can reach our full potential, and make it Kinetic.

The Kinetic Development Difference

Most programs focus on building skills, which is necessary but insufficient. Without support and accountability, most trainings fizzle out and are nothing more than short term entertainment. Kinetic Development takes a holistic and long-term approach to create lasting change.Without addressing the underlying beliefs that cause behaviors, old patterns will creep back in. We will focus on the mindset that gives rise to more effective, empowered action. Through identifying and eliminating blindspots, challenging limiting beliefs, and uncovering hidden assumptions, we create sustainable high-performance.This “inside-out” approach to development is most effective because it begins at the source. In addition to mindset, we will solidify questions of identity and ontology–who you are being as a leader–to achieve your desired goals. This shift in worldview provides a new foundation for you to stand, speak, look, and listen from, for truly transformational results.


What could you accomplish with a coach?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Coaching?
Coaching is a process to improve your performance through personal learning and growth. Think of it like a highly-customized leadership development program, just for you.
-I'll help you get clear on what you really want–and then elevate what’s possible.
-I’ll hold up a mirror so you can see yourself as others see you–and then point out blind spots that are holding you back.
-I'll support you in making progress towards your goals–and then challenge you to go further.
-I'll inspire you to move past self-imposed limitations to realize your full potential, both personally and professionally.
Why should I work with a coach?"
-Achieve challenging or long-postponed goals you’ve set for yourself
-Enhance your skills to lead people and projects effectively in complex situations
-Improve your social and emotional intelligence
-Strengthen your executive presence and develop your leadership brand
-Have productive conflict conversations, without distress
-Build the skills necessary to take your leadership to the next level
Does coaching really work?
Coaching has been proven to get incredible results, including a significant financial Return on Investment (ROI).
Multiple independent research studies have found:-Return on investment (ROI) of 529%,
-Significant improvements in overall productivity and satisfaction
-Conservative ROI of nearly $100,000 or 5.7 times initial investment
-ROI of $3,268,325 (close to 700 percent)
-Up to 49 times return on investment!
Executive Briefing: Case Study on the ROI of Executive Coaching, Merrill C. Anderson, Ph.D., MetrixGlobal, LLCMaximizing the Impact of Executive Coaching, The Manchester Review, Volume 6, Number 1, Joy McGovernBusiness Impact of Executive Coaching: Demonstrating Monetary Value, Industrial and Commercial Training, Vol. 38 Iss. 3, Vernita Parker-WilkinsForbes report on Pricewaterhouse Coopers (PwC) global study

Coaching might be exactly the right thing for you right now.

CEO's Ultimate Guide to Holding People Accountable

Your Detailed Plan to Ensure the Work Gets Done Without Stressful Conversations & Endless Follow-Ups

✅ How to solve 90% of your accountability challenges by creating impeccable agreements.✅ The most common mistakes people make, and how to avoid them.✅ How to give feedback that works (without distress) when something is missing.

By following this guide carefully, you will:

  • 10x the output of your team

  • Eliminate the need to chase people down and tie up loose ends

  • Increase standards for performance

  • Build your skillset in navigating difficult conversations

  • Create a culture of clear communication and mutual trust

  • Build stronger relationships that reduce stress and make work more fun

Trusted by leaders like you